Pilot Plants


Pilot Plants

We can draw on 30+ years of expertise in the design and supply of pilot and industrial scale demonstration plants.

Services provided by BC Research include:

Pilot plants

Demonstration plants

Stick-build or Modular plants


Custom fabrication

Pilot campaigns

Full analytical support

Site assistance

We also host and operate our clients’ pilot plants within BC Research’s plug-and-play facility.

Our Approach

We design for scalability. A pilot plant is typically scaled to the minimum size necessary to demonstrate each unit operation on a realistic industrial scale.

3-D drawing and modelling tools enable optimum process design and layout. Flexible design leaves room for additional innovation during piloting.

Unit processes can be highly integrated for compact design, or engineered into separate unit operations for accessibility and easy swap-out.

Where possible, design favours modular skid design to facilitate shipment and hook-up.

Design specifications for industrial-scale demonstration facilities are critically derived from pilot plant trials. We therefore ensure the appropriate degree of instrumentation and automation to extract the necessary design data from the pilot plant.

Pilot units are designed in conformance with end-user standards / codification. Skids are manufactured and tested in-house in dedicated facilities.

All pilot plants undergo rigorous HAZOP, safety and commissioning protocols supervised by our qualified personnel.

Engineering scope through to industrial demonstration extends from conceptual design through to key component development and balance of plant.

Pilot plants can be installed near operations and run with supervisory support. Full-scale components can be engineered for in-site testing.

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Designed to get you to commercial faster.